Lots of pictures!

I haven’t done a crochet related update in quite awhile, so over the last couple of days I’ve been having a look through my Facebook page and my phones auto back up photo thing and finding some for you.
Some blankets have had more pictures taken of them than others (I tend to snap them on my phone and by the end of the day when I get chance to sit and crochet my battery is always low/gone!) So the ones with more I’ve squished together so you can see progress/different lights :)

It’s been a long time since I closed my list for requests for blankets. I think in my head I expected closing my list would mean I could whizz through all the blankets and then spend the end of last year teaching myself how to Tunisian crochet.
That isn’t what has happened.

What really happened is crochet and I went through a trial period of separation. I just didn’t want to do it, just thinking about it got me stressed and my mind would race too much with ideas.
All of my works in progress halted.

The two blankets that were in progress/started this time last year are still in progress.
There was the granny bobble spiral which I just could not get to work as it got bigger. So after a couple of failed attempts I ripped it out and started all over again as an African Flower blanket.
I don’t have an updated picture because I just cannot get the hexagons to join together as it should look in my head. There has literally been sweat and tears over this one because in my head I can do it, but I just can’t get it *right*


That isn’t even the final layout as it stands, it looks totally different. Hopefully soon I will get it right and there will be a mahoosive whoopee post about it!! :)

The other blanket, which I’d been calling my masterpiece was the cotton granny stripe. (pattern by attic24)
Looking back I’d started it around this time last year and the early pictures were from around Mr. B’s birthday which was this weekend just gone.
Again getting the border right on this one has caused nightmares. There have been 3 attempts. The first two have been ripped out as the first one increased the stitch count around the border and made it look all saggy. The second attempt just didn’t go with the blanket at all. So that was around 20 hours of work.


The 3rd picture down showed the second attempt at the border. (I snapped that picture the night I undid it all to start again)
Up until that point I had totally fallen out of love with this blanket. And aside from occasionally doodling down ideas in my little notebook for when my head is racing,  I also almost completely fell out with crochet.

I didn’t do anything that required a pattern,  or much thought, the kind of thing I could do on automatic pilot and not get stressed about. (When I’m not too well mentally the smallest easiest things can be too hard and it just has to be abandoned in the name of mental health!)
As a result there have been granny squares (and rectangles)


The top picture is a little mint granny square I made for MJs cuddly toy tigger.  The one underneath is a toddler bed sized granny square made in Red Heart Super Saver (worsted weight) to be honest at first I didn’t like that yarn at all. It wasn’t soft (& I wasn’t brave enough to try some of the ways to soften it that were on pinterest!) And I’m used to working with Double Knit yarn, so it took a while to adjust to it.
After only a few rounds I liked how quickly it worked up and I got used to the bigger sized hook (I think I went up to a 7mm because my tension is tight and on whatever the label suggested wasn’t right for me)
And once it was finished and had been through my rigorous soaking routine before being washed, I can say that Red Heart Super Saver *does* soften. It’s still not as soft and squishy as say stylecraft special DK but with a bit of TLC it is soft.
That blanket lives at our house because it was all that Little H was asking for at Christmas.  “A blue mama blanket” (well that and a blue mini) who am I to deny him?!
I also made MJ a little rectangle whose size doesn’t compare to the blue square,  however I can’t find a picture so I’ll talk about that another time!


This isn’t a great picture of the other rather large square that I made, but as it came back to my house for a wash and soak I remembered to grab this as it was drying (as I didn’t get one at the time!)
This was made in stylecraft special DK in wisteria,  clematis and cloud blue. I had one ball of each colour left from when I did attic24 summer garden squares which went on to be part of a big blanket from a bunch of us crocheters from all around the world to one of or crochet friends who has been (& still is) poorly. (I’ll try and find one of the pictures of it!)
So with the balls left over, and my god daughter’s original magic blanket starting to show how much love and cuddles it’s had over the last 7 years I started to make her a new one. I of course had to order more yarn, I think I only needed two balls of each colour. And as it was the first full blanket I have made using stylecraft special DK at the beginning I was thinking “it can’t be all *that* special” (attic24 uses it and a lot of other blogs I follow) and almost straight away I was in love. It’s so soft and easy to work with.
Stylecraft have a new fan in me! (And to support small businesses I don’t order from Deramores,  I use The Wool Loft. I always get it super quickly and their customer service is fab! (Will talk more about them later!)


This pink and purple blanket just makes me smile. It’s not made out of fancy yarn, it’s the acrylic stuff I can get from my local market (called new fashion I think, I’ve seen other bloggers not local to me using it too) and the yardage on it is fab. This is a granny rectangle,  only the 2nd rectangle I’ve made, and like MJs I’ve winged how to do it so it’s different to MJs (because his wasn’t quite right) but I’ll be altering my way to do it again I think. It’s not quite finished (need to sew in the last few ends) and then it’ll be having a soak.
This yarn goes soft so easily (it’s not as soft as the stylecraft but no where near as rough as the red heart felt) and has been used in most of my blankets. ta-dah (2 blankets), Some rippley love, hooky goodness and falling behind (a bit gutted some of my pictures aren’t showing!!)
Hopefully I’ll be able to show you a completed blanket picture soon!
In the meantime have a picture of what helps make magic blankets ‘magic’


Yes. I’m sharing my secret. The magic is baby feets <3

I think the last blanket I'll talk properly about, will be my current 'easy' blanket.
This blanket is special. All of my blankets are special. This one is for a lady from our weight watchers group who is lovely,  so happy and cheerful and friendly. She also has downs syndrome and at the end of last year she was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer that sometimes occurs in downs syndrome patients. As a group we did a card and one of the ladies got a big teddy and wrote all of our names on pieces of ribbon and pinned them to the teddy.
It just felt like I needed to do something more.
So I started a blanket.


A ripple, because nothing makes me smile more than seeing a ripple blanket. And after talking to one of the ladies from WW who is a friend about what colours G likes I ordered a load of stylecraft special DK from The Wool Loft. And that’s when their customer service came into play. I had an email from Liz letting me know that one of the colours I’d asked for was out of stock and offering me an alternative colour or to wait until they got it back in.
I didn’t see the email for a couple of days and they sent me a message on Facebook (I’m a liker of their page and have ordered via Facebook before so I was easy to find!) To let me know. I chose the alternative and got to work as soon as it arrived.
All I can actually take credit for is holding a hook and it miraculously coming together as the pattern is Attic24 Neat Ripple (also available on her blog but the link isn’t working atm) and the colours are thanks to stylecraft and their special DK range. The choice is amazing!



It is almost finished, and because of my vastly overestimated foundation chain it will be vertical ripples! (It’s almost 5 ft! ) and as you can see I’ve done 4 rows of each colour instead of 2 so that the colours really have chance to shine.
I love it. And as I said before stylecraft have a fan for life in me now!!

I’m not going to carry on, I have more stuff to share, and there are possibly people reading thinking I’ve forgotten what I was in the middle of for them. I haven’t,  I’m just slowly falling in love with crochet again.
I need to finish a few of my big things and get my head straight and I’ll be right! (If anyone is on my list/in progress and is worried you can message me a friendly reminder / questions anytime)

And in keeping with my previous entry…


That was yesterday. The sun was letting the rain have a day off! Normal service has resumed today!
But it was a lovely day, we walked to my friend (soulmate)s house and played in their garden (we only have a little one!)


Happy times! <3

♡ Mrs. B x

Omgosh so hot!!

I know I can’t be the only crocheter/knitter struggling with the sudden influx of summer weather and wanting nothing more to sit in the garden with a cold drink and crochet in the sun?

If anyone’s like me I need the extra serotonin and for the first time since we went on holiday 2 years ago I have a tan and I didn’t realise how much having a bit of colour made me feel a bit better about myself! To the ‘extreme’ of I brought myself a new mascara yesterday, the last time I brought myself a new mascara was definitely before little h was a dot! (So at least 2009!)

However I’m really struggling to actually sit with yarn and hook, especially as my request list is mostly blankets at the moment with a couple of amigarumi.
Even my beloved knit pro symfonie hooks I just can’t use right now, and acrylic yarn or well almost any yarn I just can’t use!

So I’ve gone on a cotton frenzy! Only 2 of my blanket requests are cotton so they’ve been getting lots of attention. The first is my Attic24 granny stripe which you’ve seen before but I love it. That sirdar snuggly baby cotton dk is a dream to work with. It will be perfect for its new home in dubai!

To look at it doesn’t look like it’s grown much but it’s actually quite wide so it takes me longer to get back and forth so the half an hour I might get with it in the garden randomly doesn’t really make a huge impact but when I take a picture and its been awhile since I did I can see that it definitely is growing…


I was asked to make it single bed size so the little lady it is for can keep it forever, however I always do my foundation chain with a couple of extra inches so that it is big enough that when you lay it on a bed it drapes down the side. The blanket is now probably coming up to the halfway mark. So the excitement if it being nearly finished will kick in soon!! :D

The other cotton blanket is for one of my friends whose brother is having a baby so he thought of me as a way to get a special present. It’s a smaller blanket more cot size so it’s worked up really quickly, and because it doesn’t have colour changes like the granny stripe it is my “quick I’ve got 5 minutes to sit in the garden whilst the boys are playing” blanket so it has had a lot of those random moments over the last week, to the point of I’m on the first round of the border now.

It’s made with Rico fashion iro (from the wool loft) in the lobster colour (I amy have just made up that it’s called lobster but you’ll see why I think that’s what it’s called) and it’s in my baby blue blanket pattern.


^in the sunshine.


^laid out for a progress picture


^border time!!!

It’s such a simple little pattern to whip up and people on the facebook page have complimented it a lot!

Oh, before I forget I wanted to show you what my best friend (& soul mate) got me for my birthday…


It’s absolutely beautiful and the little charm on it reads sisterhood but I can’t get a pretty picture of it so I decided to get a picture of the swan sparkling in the sunshine. I love it so much!

Right I best go and do mama/housewife things whilst little h is at nursery and mj naps!

♡ Mrs. B x

Serial UFO offender!

I seem to have neglected my blog. I haven’t done it on purpose I just haven’t really had crochet time so blog time gets pushed right down to the bottom of the pile!

I’ve been picking up my hook whenever I can. Which includes taking a WIP to weight watchers with me and trying to grab 10 minutes. And as summer has arrived the boys have been playing in the garden so I’ve tried to do some but playing with them is way higher on my priorities. ♡

So.  I finished the baby blue blanket, and I made a start on writing the pattern up for you. I got as far as drawing out a chart and a few people who are fans of my facebook page gave it a test for me and it was readable. I plan on doing a full photo tutorial to go with it (including how I did the border) but it might be a couple of weeks as I’m working hard to finish some UFOs! I will however start the post somewhere and have the basic chart on there and a brief explanation for if you want to give it a go. (I’ll try and get it up tomorrow or sunday)

Here it is all tied up ready to go. I made a little hat with the leftover yarn. Only a plain one but it seemed so small ♡


I forgot to say, the blankets mama blogged about it *here* so sweet!!

I also finished off and posted my attic24 birdie decoration to their lovely new home. I started them ages ago and I’m actually ashamed at how long it took me to get my behind in gear and finish them off! When she asked if I could do them she gave me creative freedom. And as my mind works in overdrive with ideas I had sooo many ideas and then I *think* I got scared that I was going to screw it up. So I backed away.
I finally built myself up to give it a go. And I managed to post them just before the bank holiday weekend so my heart was in my mouth waiting to hear if she liked them! Which she did! :) Sorry the picture isn’t great I struggled to find somewhere decent in our house to hang them so had to improvise using a coat hanger!


My cushion cover that I’ve been working on for the lovely MrsJosieK has been coming along nicely. I’m definitely going to need more yarn as I’d totally underestimated how much basketweave would use. But I love it!
It was inspired by one I’d seen made by KeepCalmAndCrochetOnUk I can’t find the picture right now but it was gorgeous. And after watching a video on the net (by allfreecrochet I think) on how to do basketweave stitch I decided I wanted to work it as one piece as much as I could. So that’s how im doing it. It’s growing and I can see me needing one for my house!


The granny bobble spiral is growing too. Just now that it’s getting bigger it’s growing very slowly! I think if you were using colourinasimplelife’s pattern as it’s written for a potholder or to make lots of little squares they’d work up quite quickly.  I’m having to add an extra ch1 at the corners to help stop it from curling under on itself but that may be my tension!



Oh and the cotton granny stripe ♡
I’m loving this blanket. The pattern is by attic24 and it’s being made for my friend who moved to the UAE last year and wants an all cotton blanket. I’m using sirdar snuggly babycotton dk. I had it in the garden with me last week and had to take a picture of it in natural light to show it off.


My last bit of rambling is that I’m getting lots of hits on my how to straighten an Attic24 neat ripple blanket post but no one has commented to say whether it worked for them or not (or if I need to do a more in depth guide) the post is *here* if you need it. And if you don’t mind feeding back on it that’d be great.

Thank you for stopping by. Sorry it’s just rambling and pictures I will try harder!

Just a stick?

I’ve had a WIP going on for awhile now and it’s starting to take shape!
I do like to set myself a challenge though it would appear!

A friend asked me if I could make her some attic24 birdies as a decoration my only instructions were you know what colours I like. Aside from that I have creative freedom. Which is ace, but my mind can be a little chaotic so I’ve been working on it in fits and bursts.

I’ve had the materials for it for awhile.
The yarn is some gorgeous cotton yarn I got from ‘according to matt’ when he had a stash clear out. At first when I was asked to make the birds I went to my local market and picked up a couple of dinky balls of yarn for 60p each, but when I started crocheting with them they made my hands itch. It was then that I realised they were polyester (not acrylic which I’d assumed!)
So Matt’s yarn was my back up plan. Although I don’t know why I didn’t think of them first as the colours are perfect, and I love working with cottons!

The next step was part of my creative freedom. Aquire a stick!
My instinct was to go to hobbycraft. Which as always seems to be the case with me & hobbycraft was an epic fail. The lift wasn’t working, which with a double pram and two children under 2 made me frustrated, without adding in that to navigate downstairs with their narrow aisles!

Hobbycraft was abandoned and off to B&Q we went.  Why didn’t I think of there first?!
I found exactly what I wanted in the bit by the skirting boards etc. And even found a man who’d cut it to the length I wanted (even if he looked at me like I was crazy with this one tiny stick!)

So this week I plucked up the guts to embark on this final stage of the decoration….


It was more difficult than I thought it would be to crochet around! I’ve had to do double crochets and have gone back along the row slip stitching to firm it up a bit.
I just hope the finished item lives up to my imagination!

And because I can’t leave you with just one picture… here is the attic24 neat ripple blanket I made for the same person which is why I know her colours so well. It was my first proper bespoke crochet request!


I loved making that blanket!
It was made in sirdar snuggly bamboo dk, purchased from Black Sheep Craft Barn in Culcheth. (With a few balls from ebay when I started to run out!)

I didn’t do a proper edge on it, partyly because it was a huge blanket,  but mostly because my crochet confidence back then was low. If you want to straighten a ripple blanket I’ve posted how I now do it *here* but if you google how to there are lots and lots of peoples variations on how they’ve done it.

I really must go. Mr B has requested steak amd risotto for dinner tonight so I’m trying my hand at an asparagus risotto. I chose the recipe as I’ve had a craving for asparagus!

♡ Mrs. B x


So, really this should be a tah-dah post for the primary colours blanket but I still haven’t turned on the laptop and transferred pictures from the camera! It will happen soon!
Instead I thought I’d share something spirally with you!

I can’t remember where I saw this first if it was on ravelry whilst looking for new gramny square patterns or whilst noseying through blogs but as soon as I saw it I knew I had to make one. Luckily someone on my list of people who want a blanket also had the same need so I’m making one!
The pattern is from http://colourinasimplelife.blogspot.com and is called the granny bobble spiral. It’s beautiful and really easy to follow the instructions.

Here is my offering..


I love the colours as soon as I saw them I knew it had to be that exact yarn. Its by Katia and is called Alabama. I’ve never used Katia yarn before but I think I will be in future!

I’ve also finished up the attic24 ripple I was working on and managed to do a straight border on it which I am still chuffed I managed to do. I was sure Lucy had posted how to straighten off the top and bottom but couldn’t find it so I kind of winged it and it worked!


And a lady who has a shop on Facebook (MrsJosieK) asked me to make some cushion covers and we saw one made by Keep Calm and Crochet On UK and knew it had to be basketweave for hers too, which I’d never done before because I couldn’t work out how it looks like that (I’d never looked at a pattern for it) but once i got going it clicked!


Unfortunately I totally underestimated how much yarn I would need so have to get more. Its Rico big wool (I think that’s what it was called!) Its merino and lovely to work with!

I best go and do some mummy type stuff. I’m so glad I can blog from my new phone that makes it easier!
Hope you are all ok and if you’re on fb check out my page as I post pics on there pretty regularly x.

Bittersweet “Symfonie”

I know I am a really bad blogger, and I promise to fill you in on what I’ve been up to since June with lots of photos soon. But…

I have to tell you about the gutted feeling I have tonight as one of my trusty Knit Pro Symfonie crochet hooks broke. The hook bit just snapped clean off.
I could’ve cried! I was only making the wings for an Attic24 birdie decoration, not swinging from the lightshade with it (it was only a 4.5mm, not ideal for swinging from light shades with!)

So after digging out my spare 4.5mm I carried on for awhile and made a start on the next wing, but in my head I was trying to work out how long ago I brought it. So out comes the iPad, and I start searching my e-mail accounts for the receipt. Sure enough I find it, and I only brought it in April this year. Sure it “only” cost just under £4 but I’ve got hooks that only cost me £1 that lasted me years before I discovered Knit Pro. And £4 for something that has only lasted 7 months (slightly less actually as I purchased via eBay on the 11th April so delivery would’ve taken afew days, I can’t remember if I posted in here about it?) I still think £4 is comparatively expensive.
I sat there winding myself up with these thoughts, so tonight I have fired of a contact form via knitpro.eu… Would you like to see? (as I can’t hear your reply I’m sharing anyway!

On April 11th 2012 I purchased a 4.5mm Knitpro symfonie crochet hook, tonight (9th November 2012) whilst crocheting a basic item the hook broke clean off of the shaft.
The shop that I purchased from is in the process of shutting down & I don’t think they’re getting new stock to be able to replace my hook.

To say I’m upset is an understatement. My hooks are stored away securely after use, they’ve never been handled by anyone other than myself and whilst I have other branded hooks knit pro have been my favourite for over a year, and I now have from sizes 2.5mm to 7mm, with two in sizes 4mm-5.5mm as they’re my most used so like to have a spare.

I posted on Facebook about this and a couple of people have said they had the same happen to them. Tonight I’m upset and worried that the set that I’ve taken time (and money) to build up, and also the Tunisian crochet hooks that I’ve asked my mum to get me for Christmas will all start breaking after a not very long period of time.

I’m unsure as to whether you will do anything to help replace my broken 4.5mm hook, but I truly hope that you do and that your customer service can meet the love that I have for your product.

I hope to hear from you soon.


I have also sent an email to the retailer I purchased from the company is lovely and I’m sure if she can help me she will (they once sent me a clover hook instead of a knit pro one and sent out a prepaid envelope for me to send it back and sent my hook as soon as they received the clover they were lovely) but the business is closing down (ForestFibres) at the beginning of next month so I don’t know if they’ll be getting new stock in, or even if I’m entitled to ask her for help after this amount of time.

They say if you have a bad customer experience you tell more people than if you have a good one, but previously in my blog I have always tried to make sure I pass on good customer experiences, I’m hoping that even though this entry sounds like a bad experience that it turns into a good one!

I’ll keep you posted, and I promise to write more, even if it’s without pictures, waffling has got to be better than nothing right?


To add, I can be easily followed through my Facebook at Facebook.com/CrazyCrochetMama I have lots of recent pics on there as I can do it via my phone, and that I now have an email address should you ever want to contact me/ask a question it’s CrazyCrochetMama@gmail.com. X

Rainbow Block Blanket Ta-Dah!

So today it was received so I can reveal my final pictures!
The pattern was from LeisureArts.com called “Rainbow Block Crochet Afghan”
When I first purchased it and just glanced over it I thought there was no way I would be able to do it! Luckily the crocodile stitch cowl had introduced me to the front post double crochet (fpdc) so I knew what to do when I saw “fptr” in there, but I always go through this stage where I look at a pattern and just feel like o.O and my brain just exits the building. But once I reminded myself that it was written in US terms all the pattern actually is is treble crochets with the odd double treble giving that drop down in colour.

Enough waffling here it is….

I started it on the 8th May and I posted on Facebook that it was on the line drying on the 25th, so quite quick really, but those last few rounds felt like they were taking forever. And I always get nervous near the end because I know its coming to the point of actually sending it to the person who’d asked for it and I do worry that its not good enough, but she’s received it and happy with it! (yay!) The final measurements for this had it at about 39 inches square!

I think my fave thing about doing baby blankets is bundling them up. The last three blankets have been for ladies who are team green, so they don’t know if they’re having a boy or a girl. So after the first rainbow granny stripe I got some reels (spools? not sure whats the right word!) of ribbon, so the last two blankets have been tied up with green ribbon. Just a little thing but it makes me smile knowing that its a blanket that will be used by a squidgey baby!

Oh, I almost forgot, here are a couple of pictures of the 2nd Granny Stripe Rainbow Blanket, that one went all the way to Sweden!

Without getting my notebook I *think* the final size measurements for this one was 38 inches wide and 42 inches high. It washed up so soft and snuggly I almost couldn’t part with it!!

Right. I’m going back to crocheting before bed!
Night x

I think I have a problem!!

I was asked to do a stash picture for the parenting forum I’m a member of. So today whilst The Husband looked after the boys I got all my yarn out and took pictures & omg. I don’t think I need to buy more for awhile!!

This is my “downstairs” stash. Which lives in a bag next to the sofa for easy access!!

As you can see I seem to favour Sirdar, Rowan and Sublime at the moment. With an array of Rico Baby DK (which I love!) There’s a box of Adriafil Duo Plus, that I picked up for £9 last year sometime with visions of making myself an Attic24 style bag from that never happened!

Then there’s the yarn that lives upstairs that I dig into when I need acrylics or just yarn for practising something on…

As you can see, there’s a mish-mash of stuff in there. There’s the Red Heart that my mum & dad brought back from the states for me last month. Debbie Bliss Cotton DK that I forgot I had! And on the right that green yarn & the 1 ball of cream with a label on saying “service” I inherited it from one of my mums friends, and it still has the receipt tucked into the label in “old money”! It feels so soft, but says its 100% acrylic. There’s also some Patons, and Sirdar in there that I inherited too.
I definitely don’t need to purchase more for awhile.

Although I did discover that one of the Sublime Soya Cotton DKs that I picked up is a different colour to the others.. Doh. That’ll teach me to pick up yarn on different trips to the shop without checking dye numbers first for reference. So I’m allowing myself to buy 3 more balls of that particular yarn. 2 to match the one random ball and 1 to match the 2 that I already had! I want to make an African Flowers blanket I think.

Oh and a finished picture. Well kind of, its a side view, as I haven’t posted it to the person I made it for yet. But its a big thick wide scarf, and I love it! <3

Thats me done for now. Glad I finally managed to do a kind of proper update!

H x

Edit to add… My stash storage, kind of modelled by Little H! Purchased from “Want Love Need” who also has a shop in Sheffield, details *here*

Falling behind!

I’m really quite crap at keeping this updated.

The annoying bit is, I’ve been taking pictures and making notes of patterns that I’ve been making up, but haven’t actually managed to transfer the pictures from the camera and sit and resize etc them.

So in the spirit of blogging just so that people don’t forget I’m around here I am.

Ive managed to finish afew bits and pieces over the last couple of weeks, which is good for me as I do have quite a few projects on the go simultaneously to keep me entertained.

The one I’m most proud of comes from the pattern here.. http://inthesky1.blogspot.com/2012/03/granny-chic-granny-stripe-wrist-warmers.html

I made them with pink as the main colour and used afew different colours that in my head made it look rainbow esque. I will try and switch the laptop on and grab the pictures off of Facebook later. [Edit – Here’s a not so great picture but its here!]
Laid out flat before final construction! I need to take a proper finally all put together picture, I keep meaning to but I forget! 

All those ends to sew in before final construction! (Oh yay!)

A full view close up of the colours (Its silly but I’m proud of my colour choices, although the light blue & lilac are abit washed out looking in this picture!)

I’m also talking part in a craft swap, which as always I’m full of great ideas for, but won’t have time/the skills to do all of it, but because I managed to follow the patter written for the wrist warmers I have brought a pattern to follow for one of my items instead of just winging it (and messing it up) I just hope I can actually follow the pattern. When the PDF arrived last night the first thing I did was send it to my kindle (which I learnt how to do thanks to the wrist warmers pattern too) and I skim read the pattern and my instant thought is I can’t do this…

I get that feeling of dread when I look at patterns, I remember getting it the first time I read Attic24’s neat ripple pattern, and again with granny stripes and the bird decoration. I always forget to just take my time & practise. I do love that about crochet, if I mess up I just unravel it and have another go. If only more things in life were like that?

Right, I must go and prepare for mj waking for a feed. Maybe stick Torchwood on (thank you virgin media for letting me watch from the beginning!) and work on my totally winging it project for the craft swap. (&get some new pictures added into this entry!)

Oh such fun!

And colour! Lots of colour.

I’ve never really been any good at matching colours up, or at least i didn’t think I was. I can always pick out a good tie for my dad. A silly thing but I always knew which ones he’d like. He doesn’t wear ties anymore really so that skill has been laid dormont until now!

The other day there was a blog post here.. http://inthesky1.blogspot.com/ called delusions of grandeur, I read it and offered up my services as a tester and later that day received an email with the details needed.

Now the only patterns I’ve ever really followed are attic24 patterns, that as I’m sure you know are written out normally with pictures so you can see exactly what you’re meant to be doing. I think over the last 2 years I’ve made 5 of her neat ripple blankets (maybe 7 I’m not sure!) 5 of her birdie decorations, one granny stripe, in attic24 I trust! So for me Lucy ‘in the sky’ was/is putting alot of faith in me trying out her pattern!

So I rushed off and found my ‘upstairs stash’ which is where I store most of my acrylic yarns (not photographed in the previous entry with yarn pics) and sat and worked out colours. I realised I’ve never really sat and done that before, properly planned out colours, and that I don’t really have ‘me’ colours. Like any attic24 reader knows her kind of colours or crochet with Raymond I haven’t found mine, it’ll come with time but yesterday I realised that I can pick colours that work. I won’t put pictures up yet, mostly because as I’m testing the pattern it’d betotally bad form to do so, and because I’m not finished yet! Getting there though, just hope my noobishness doesnt put Lucy off ofselecting pattern testers in future.

Anyways, go over there and follow her blog! http://inthesky1.blogspot.com/