Lots of pictures!

I haven’t done a crochet related update in quite awhile, so over the last couple of days I’ve been having a look through my Facebook page and my phones auto back up photo thing and finding some for you.
Some blankets have had more pictures taken of them than others (I tend to snap them on my phone and by the end of the day when I get chance to sit and crochet my battery is always low/gone!) So the ones with more I’ve squished together so you can see progress/different lights :)

It’s been a long time since I closed my list for requests for blankets. I think in my head I expected closing my list would mean I could whizz through all the blankets and then spend the end of last year teaching myself how to Tunisian crochet.
That isn’t what has happened.

What really happened is crochet and I went through a trial period of separation. I just didn’t want to do it, just thinking about it got me stressed and my mind would race too much with ideas.
All of my works in progress halted.

The two blankets that were in progress/started this time last year are still in progress.
There was the granny bobble spiral which I just could not get to work as it got bigger. So after a couple of failed attempts I ripped it out and started all over again as an African Flower blanket.
I don’t have an updated picture because I just cannot get the hexagons to join together as it should look in my head. There has literally been sweat and tears over this one because in my head I can do it, but I just can’t get it *right*


That isn’t even the final layout as it stands, it looks totally different. Hopefully soon I will get it right and there will be a mahoosive whoopee post about it!! :)

The other blanket, which I’d been calling my masterpiece was the cotton granny stripe. (pattern by attic24)
Looking back I’d started it around this time last year and the early pictures were from around Mr. B’s birthday which was this weekend just gone.
Again getting the border right on this one has caused nightmares. There have been 3 attempts. The first two have been ripped out as the first one increased the stitch count around the border and made it look all saggy. The second attempt just didn’t go with the blanket at all. So that was around 20 hours of work.


The 3rd picture down showed the second attempt at the border. (I snapped that picture the night I undid it all to start again)
Up until that point I had totally fallen out of love with this blanket. And aside from occasionally doodling down ideas in my little notebook for when my head is racing,  I also almost completely fell out with crochet.

I didn’t do anything that required a pattern,  or much thought, the kind of thing I could do on automatic pilot and not get stressed about. (When I’m not too well mentally the smallest easiest things can be too hard and it just has to be abandoned in the name of mental health!)
As a result there have been granny squares (and rectangles)


The top picture is a little mint granny square I made for MJs cuddly toy tigger.  The one underneath is a toddler bed sized granny square made in Red Heart Super Saver (worsted weight) to be honest at first I didn’t like that yarn at all. It wasn’t soft (& I wasn’t brave enough to try some of the ways to soften it that were on pinterest!) And I’m used to working with Double Knit yarn, so it took a while to adjust to it.
After only a few rounds I liked how quickly it worked up and I got used to the bigger sized hook (I think I went up to a 7mm because my tension is tight and on whatever the label suggested wasn’t right for me)
And once it was finished and had been through my rigorous soaking routine before being washed, I can say that Red Heart Super Saver *does* soften. It’s still not as soft and squishy as say stylecraft special DK but with a bit of TLC it is soft.
That blanket lives at our house because it was all that Little H was asking for at Christmas.  “A blue mama blanket” (well that and a blue mini) who am I to deny him?!
I also made MJ a little rectangle whose size doesn’t compare to the blue square,  however I can’t find a picture so I’ll talk about that another time!


This isn’t a great picture of the other rather large square that I made, but as it came back to my house for a wash and soak I remembered to grab this as it was drying (as I didn’t get one at the time!)
This was made in stylecraft special DK in wisteria,  clematis and cloud blue. I had one ball of each colour left from when I did attic24 summer garden squares which went on to be part of a big blanket from a bunch of us crocheters from all around the world to one of or crochet friends who has been (& still is) poorly. (I’ll try and find one of the pictures of it!)
So with the balls left over, and my god daughter’s original magic blanket starting to show how much love and cuddles it’s had over the last 7 years I started to make her a new one. I of course had to order more yarn, I think I only needed two balls of each colour. And as it was the first full blanket I have made using stylecraft special DK at the beginning I was thinking “it can’t be all *that* special” (attic24 uses it and a lot of other blogs I follow) and almost straight away I was in love. It’s so soft and easy to work with.
Stylecraft have a new fan in me! (And to support small businesses I don’t order from Deramores,  I use The Wool Loft. I always get it super quickly and their customer service is fab! (Will talk more about them later!)


This pink and purple blanket just makes me smile. It’s not made out of fancy yarn, it’s the acrylic stuff I can get from my local market (called new fashion I think, I’ve seen other bloggers not local to me using it too) and the yardage on it is fab. This is a granny rectangle,  only the 2nd rectangle I’ve made, and like MJs I’ve winged how to do it so it’s different to MJs (because his wasn’t quite right) but I’ll be altering my way to do it again I think. It’s not quite finished (need to sew in the last few ends) and then it’ll be having a soak.
This yarn goes soft so easily (it’s not as soft as the stylecraft but no where near as rough as the red heart felt) and has been used in most of my blankets. ta-dah (2 blankets), Some rippley love, hooky goodness and falling behind (a bit gutted some of my pictures aren’t showing!!)
Hopefully I’ll be able to show you a completed blanket picture soon!
In the meantime have a picture of what helps make magic blankets ‘magic’


Yes. I’m sharing my secret. The magic is baby feets <3

I think the last blanket I'll talk properly about, will be my current 'easy' blanket.
This blanket is special. All of my blankets are special. This one is for a lady from our weight watchers group who is lovely,  so happy and cheerful and friendly. She also has downs syndrome and at the end of last year she was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer that sometimes occurs in downs syndrome patients. As a group we did a card and one of the ladies got a big teddy and wrote all of our names on pieces of ribbon and pinned them to the teddy.
It just felt like I needed to do something more.
So I started a blanket.


A ripple, because nothing makes me smile more than seeing a ripple blanket. And after talking to one of the ladies from WW who is a friend about what colours G likes I ordered a load of stylecraft special DK from The Wool Loft. And that’s when their customer service came into play. I had an email from Liz letting me know that one of the colours I’d asked for was out of stock and offering me an alternative colour or to wait until they got it back in.
I didn’t see the email for a couple of days and they sent me a message on Facebook (I’m a liker of their page and have ordered via Facebook before so I was easy to find!) To let me know. I chose the alternative and got to work as soon as it arrived.
All I can actually take credit for is holding a hook and it miraculously coming together as the pattern is Attic24 Neat Ripple (also available on her blog but the link isn’t working atm) and the colours are thanks to stylecraft and their special DK range. The choice is amazing!



It is almost finished, and because of my vastly overestimated foundation chain it will be vertical ripples! (It’s almost 5 ft! ) and as you can see I’ve done 4 rows of each colour instead of 2 so that the colours really have chance to shine.
I love it. And as I said before stylecraft have a fan for life in me now!!

I’m not going to carry on, I have more stuff to share, and there are possibly people reading thinking I’ve forgotten what I was in the middle of for them. I haven’t,  I’m just slowly falling in love with crochet again.
I need to finish a few of my big things and get my head straight and I’ll be right! (If anyone is on my list/in progress and is worried you can message me a friendly reminder / questions anytime)

And in keeping with my previous entry…


That was yesterday. The sun was letting the rain have a day off! Normal service has resumed today!
But it was a lovely day, we walked to my friend (soulmate)s house and played in their garden (we only have a little one!)


Happy times! <3

♡ Mrs. B x

For the love of post!!

Oh how I love it when the postman brings me crochet related goodies! Yesterday’s post was extra special and definitely worth doing a blog entry for!!

The other day I remembered that I had some PayPal funds and with my newfound love of Tulip Etimo Rose hooks I decided to order myself the 2 sizes I use the most. 5mm & 5.5mm.
I did spend a moment on the PurpleLinda website trying to talk myself out of the rose hooks and just get the normal tulip etimo hooks but the rose ones are just so pretty! (Even down to the box they come in!)


I think having two boys (+ husband) really changed my view on pink, I used to own nothing pink (apart from when younger I had pink shoes for nights out) and was very into football and hockey (street or ice) but now if something is for me I *have* to have pink. It does help identify mama’s things though, Little H is learning that pink = mama’s.  My pink Kindle Paperwhite cover is my favourite,  possibly because if it’s in my hands it means I’m having quiet time in imagination world!

The other item that arrived yesterday I still can’t believe is mine. To most people it’s just a crochet hook case, but to the babywearing eye it’s a crochet hook case made out of Didymos Geckos wrap scraps.



It’s the wrap I’m totally in love with but missed out on when I was searching for a wrap to have converted into a toddler mei tai (by Monkey Mei Tai) and I got a Natibaby Gears which I also love but if anyone asks me my favourite colour it is always turquoise and has been for as long as I can remember!

So the other day when Tawak posted a picture of some wrap scraps she had I was straight in there asking if the geckos was big enough to do a little crochet hook case. Isn’t it beautiful?! If you’re a babywearer make sure to like her page she makes bags and headbands from wrap scraps too!

A quick update on my pink cotton blanket, I’m now on round 3 of the border,  the next round will be the shells! I do love making little blankets, they help lift my crojo!


And I will leave you with some Robbie Williams lyrics that I wrote out to send to a friend because they make me smile!


♡ Mrs. B x

Omgosh so hot!!

I know I can’t be the only crocheter/knitter struggling with the sudden influx of summer weather and wanting nothing more to sit in the garden with a cold drink and crochet in the sun?

If anyone’s like me I need the extra serotonin and for the first time since we went on holiday 2 years ago I have a tan and I didn’t realise how much having a bit of colour made me feel a bit better about myself! To the ‘extreme’ of I brought myself a new mascara yesterday, the last time I brought myself a new mascara was definitely before little h was a dot! (So at least 2009!)

However I’m really struggling to actually sit with yarn and hook, especially as my request list is mostly blankets at the moment with a couple of amigarumi.
Even my beloved knit pro symfonie hooks I just can’t use right now, and acrylic yarn or well almost any yarn I just can’t use!

So I’ve gone on a cotton frenzy! Only 2 of my blanket requests are cotton so they’ve been getting lots of attention. The first is my Attic24 granny stripe which you’ve seen before but I love it. That sirdar snuggly baby cotton dk is a dream to work with. It will be perfect for its new home in dubai!

To look at it doesn’t look like it’s grown much but it’s actually quite wide so it takes me longer to get back and forth so the half an hour I might get with it in the garden randomly doesn’t really make a huge impact but when I take a picture and its been awhile since I did I can see that it definitely is growing…


I was asked to make it single bed size so the little lady it is for can keep it forever, however I always do my foundation chain with a couple of extra inches so that it is big enough that when you lay it on a bed it drapes down the side. The blanket is now probably coming up to the halfway mark. So the excitement if it being nearly finished will kick in soon!! :D

The other cotton blanket is for one of my friends whose brother is having a baby so he thought of me as a way to get a special present. It’s a smaller blanket more cot size so it’s worked up really quickly, and because it doesn’t have colour changes like the granny stripe it is my “quick I’ve got 5 minutes to sit in the garden whilst the boys are playing” blanket so it has had a lot of those random moments over the last week, to the point of I’m on the first round of the border now.

It’s made with Rico fashion iro (from the wool loft) in the lobster colour (I amy have just made up that it’s called lobster but you’ll see why I think that’s what it’s called) and it’s in my baby blue blanket pattern.


^in the sunshine.


^laid out for a progress picture


^border time!!!

It’s such a simple little pattern to whip up and people on the facebook page have complimented it a lot!

Oh, before I forget I wanted to show you what my best friend (& soul mate) got me for my birthday…


It’s absolutely beautiful and the little charm on it reads sisterhood but I can’t get a pretty picture of it so I decided to get a picture of the swan sparkling in the sunshine. I love it so much!

Right I best go and do mama/housewife things whilst little h is at nursery and mj naps!

♡ Mrs. B x

Mrs B’s ‘baby blue’ blanket pattern

So a few people have asked where I got the pattern from for the baby blue blanket,  as you know I made it up after the lady had sent me a picture of a blanket she’d found on google images, but the picture wasn’t a close up so I had to improvise.

I haven’t managed to write up the full pattern and do pictures yet for it, but a cpuple of people kindly offered to test a little chart I drew up and they were in agreement that it was readable, so for those of you who can read charts here it is….


Multiples of 6+2 with whatever yarn and hook size you fancy!
How I get my blanket size is lay a tape measure over my lap and count 6 chain stitches at a time until I get to the desired width, and then add the 2 extra chains.
That way if it’s not quite wide enough or too wide I know to unpick 6 or just start counting again from 1 instead of loosing my count on a 240 chain. (Hope that makes sense!)

Those of you who can’t read charts and would like a proper tutorial (which will hopefully include the border I did too) bookmark this post and if I’ve still not done it leave me a comment to remind me as I do tend to forget that I’m meant to remember to do something!

I’m not sure if there is a pattern out there like this (as it is just an arrangement of treble crochets really!), there probably is if you look but this is just going to be how I made the baby blue blanket by winging it. :)


Mixed up blog [post]

Hi! :)
I don’t usually do housey type posts but I figured what the hey!
Then naturally I can’t find a picture I took ages ago (with this blog post in mind!)
Anyways the picture I can’t find was of the “rubbish” that’s leftover after preparing dinner, you know onion skins, the core from peppers etc.
I *hate* throwing it in the rubbish. And last month our local council (rightly) moved our town onto fortnightly bin collections. So we now have the general waste (black bin) collected one week and the recycling (blue bin) the next week. With weekly collections we rarely half filled the black bin and although the recycling was always fortnightly it would be the one that we always had to squish down.

So with the news of both bins being fortnightly we got one of *these* to try and calm my dislike of putting food scraps in the general rubbish.

As of yet we haven’t used it and it’s sat looking forlornly at me.
We need to deconstruct the shed (which is falling apart and taking up a hunk of our little garden!) And then the compost bin will have a ‘proper’ home. With the boys to look after and a british summer that seems to have gone AWOL it’s proving more of a task than I expected to get started on the shed.
Also once it’s in place I have no idea what I absolutely need to get it started, so I thought I’d ask the blogesphere!

Do you home compost? Do you have any hints or tips to get started?

I’ve googled but it returns so many results I still don’t really know where to start!

Also yesterday I made a risotto (this one) and before I start I get everything out etc. But I had to replenish my oxo tub and wondered if anyone else does this….


I love my little plastic oxo tub but awhile ago I realised that the stock cubes I rarely use (the vegetable ones) could be sat in there ages past their best before date. So I started ripping the best before date off of the packet and popping it inside my cube. Then when I replenish them I take out the old bit of cardboard and put the new one in (& move any of the stock cubes left from the last batch to the top of the pile)

Boring to some, but to me it’s really useful!

And because I simply can’t do a post that doesn’t involve crochet in some form. Here are a couple of squares that I made for a special project (I’ll tell you more in time) The pattern is Attic24’s Summer garden granny square


It was the first time I’ve ever used Stylecraft yarn (I used special dk in wisteria, clematis & cloud blue)
I’d put off trying stylecraft because I figured “it’s only acrylic yarn it’ll be the same as any other acrylic” but it’s so soft! Even before I’ve done my usual soak once I’ve made things!
I brought it from The Wool Loft they also have a facebook page *here*. Their customer service was brilliant (I couldn’t find a yarn I wanted on their site that they’d posted on facebook so I sent them a message and they sorted it for me) and reaply friendly! I also got some rico yarn for a blanket for one of my ‘real life’ friends who’s brother is having a baby from them.

Who doesn’t love getting yarny post?!


That’s all from me for tonight.
Hope you’re all ok.

♡ Mrs. B x

Baby Blue Border

Only a quick one as I’m working hard to try and get the blanket finished. Baby Bump doesn’t have an exact due date so I want to make sure that it’s there so that mama can finish nesting!

After two rounds of the edge…


On the final round..


Not far to go now. I can’t wait to get it in soak and wash it ready for posting!

I do love Netflix as my crochet companion.  The other night I discovered The Hunger Games is on there now, so tonight whilst Mr B is on a late shift I’m watching it and hopefully finishing this off. I have to say it isn’t gripping me like the book(s) did. I wonder what else I can find!

♡ Mrs. B x

Baby blue <3

Measuring in at 64cm long….



I’m loving this little blanket. I just hope that the baby who it’s for will love it as he grows.

It’s not quite finished yet but soon!!

♡ Mrs. B x

What a week!

Sorry it’s been awhile since I wrote it’s been a busy one (as expected!)

Last weekend was Little H’s 3rd birthday,  and as it had been Mr B’s 30th birthday the week before I had organised a suprise weekend away at Butlins in Skegness. There was a total of 26 of us making our way there from all over the country.

I’m not very good at organising things so it’s a miracle that I sorted this out, and that I didn’t slip up to Mr B that we were all going. Sadly 2 weeks before we went Mr B slipped up that someone had slipped up, but at that point he thought that it was us and afew friends and their kids going.

So Friday morning my mum turned up at our house, MJ and I went in her car, Little H went in the car with Mr B & two of our friends. The load of us that left from Warrington were all going along the M62 eastbound and had all left at slightly different times.

Around midday I posted a Facebook status saying “on an eerily quiet m62. Everybody has turned off their engines! I’m unsure whether to expect walking dead style zombies or REM to appear singing everybody hurts”
I didn’t realise > this <had happened until we started to see air ambulances and lots and lots of ambulances trying to get through the standstill that was on our side. We knew something bad had happened when we realised there was no westbound traffic.
We were right by junction 32 at the time and MJ woke up right as we started moving (I think they were intermittently closing our side for the air ambulances) so mum made the call to get off the motorway and have lunch.
It was only when we got out of the car mum said have you heard from Allison? My heart went into my mouth in that moment (we’d heard from Mr B they’d stopped for lunch at junction 32 and hadn’t realised that the accident had happened so I knew they were ok)
As the phone was ringing I was pleading for her to answer when she did I breathed a massive sigh of relief!  They were almost at skegness and had missed the accident.

It was a very sad start to the weekend.  And mum and I were the last to arrive there which made it difficult to keep who was there a surprise for Mr B. but we got there eventually and one of Mr B’s friends had managed to track him down on site and surprise him, which was probably the only part of the weekend that managed to stay a surprise as once he realised my mum was coming he knew that other family members would be there.

Once everyone had room keys etc I had to go and find the check in team as we had a couple of keys that didn’t work (those card key things) so after 7 hours in the car I managed to escape for an hour and had a bit of a walk down to the perimeter to see the sea (who can resist seeing the sea?!) Before I headed to sort the keys out. This is what I saw…


Then Mark (one of the friends we were with) said look at that so Sam & I turned around and just wow!


Friday night Mr B went out for drinks and I put the boys to bed feeling a tad emotional that Little H was going to bed a 2 year old and Saturday would be 3 years since he arrived and was whisked off to Neonatal (I will be doing an entry about that seperately as I’ve been writing it in my head) I took his last picture as a 2 year old and a little video clip of him saying happy birthday to the lorry he was playing with (he would only say happy birthday lorry not to himself!) And I sat with him until he fell asleep, and then just a bit longer than I needed to just to be with him. ♡

Saturday morning was filled with grown men (& Sam) having hangovers as they managed to drink most of the cocktail menu in one of the bars. And Little H was tired so Mr B and his friend nominated me to take MJ out for a walk and they would stay with Little H and all have a nap. So I enlisted Sam and Mark to come for a walk and find MJ some lunch. Even though it was raining a little bit we ended up sitting on the beach which MJ wasn’t sure about and Sam & Mark went running off down to the shore MJ and I stayed up on the promemade bit and he tried to get used to the sand. But as he’s only really been walking for a little over a month he really wasn’t sure about the fact that it moved beneath his feet. So he ended up sitting on my lap and snuggling underneath my coat, which as he’s not a very snuggly baby I loved!

When we got back to the chalet Mr B was just leaving to take Little H swimming.  So MJ and I stayed to help mum sort out the food for the party. And my brother arrived too, he couldn’t do the whole weekend but had gotten up early and driven over from the lake district just so that he could see Little H on his birthday. Such a good uncle!

Despite my anxiety and emotions over it being 3 years since Little H arrived in the world the party went well. The cake was a success,  the lady who made the cake made Little H’s 1st and 2nd birthday cakes too, his 1st birthday cake was a Barbapapa cake which was amazing,  and his 2nd was a red London bus which was brilliant! (I’ll try and find pictures, I’ve changed phones since then)
So with this cake I set her a bit of a challenge,  it had to be big enough for 26 people and I had an idea. I wanted it to have everyone’s ages as they would be on the 27th April 2013 on it. As it was the only time this year that as a family (which to the outside we were a group of family and friends but to us we are all family as Allison says family is in your heart not your blood) we will all be together so I wanted it to be a celebration for all of us.
The cake survived the 7 hours in the car and didn’t disappoint.  I did get a bit choked carrying it out singing happy birthday to Little H.



The candles were the total age of everyone there and nearly everyone had a go at blowing the candles out. Which was ace!

Sunday morning everyone did pretty much their own thing,  the fair or shopping and at 1pm we all went to the Sun and Moon pub onsite and had a Sunday lunch. Once lunch was done we got a group photo which is a mandatory thing with Gruncle Chris & I we both love having photos for keepsakes and he takes brilliant pictures and we got one of the pub staff to take one so that Chris could be in it too. I can’t wait to see it!!

After dinner Mr B and I took the boys swimming.  Sam and Mark came too and we took Allisons kids too so she and her husband could have some time without them (naturally they were lost without them and ended up coming and watching us swimming!)
Little H is totally in love with Allisons kids they’re all older so they were great with him in the pool and once Mr B had done his daddy moment with MJ by being the first to take him in the pool they all disappeared to the slides leaving MJ and I to enjoy the part of the pool that was closed for the toddler session. He loved it, I hadn’t put armbands on him because he’s one of those independent souls who hates ‘help’ but he was happy knowing that mama was sat behind him and when he felt a bit uneasy he’d grab my arms and wrap them tight around his tummy. I love those moments, the ones that when you’re on your trying to conceive journey you think you’ll never have. When they happen my heart feels like it’s going to burst!

Most people went home on Sunday night because of kids missing school etc so Sunday evening was very relaxed and Monday morning we all came home.

As you can probably tell not much crocheting happened. I started a blanket on the way down but with the accident and stopping for lunch and having to plan an alternate route as the motorway was closed I didn’t really get past the first row. On the way home we were all a bit poorly thanks to some bug that’s been going around so I didn’t manage much then.

The blanket is a special request by a lady who only found out a couple of weeks ago that she’s pregnant but she was already quite far on and she’d ordered a blanket from someone but had been let down so she’d heard about me from the friend I made the yellow and pink shell blanket for. She sent me a picture of one that she’d seen that she liked but it wasn’t a close up so I did the doodle (did I already blog about it?!) And now it looks like this…


It’s actually a bit bigger now. And in the process of making this I did play around with it a bit and have an idea for future blankets. I nearly frogged this to do it the way I’ve come up with but as it’s halfway done Mr B pleaded with me to not as I’d just get irritated with myself. So I’ve made a note of the other way (with pictures) so hopefully I can try and write a pattern for it for you.

Right I’m going, sorry that it’s so long (I’ve been writing it on and off for the last couple of days!) If you’ve made it all the way through you deserve a medal!!

♡ Mrs. B x

Edit to add ~ an updated picture of the pastel coloured attic24 granny stripe blanket.


Front & Back?

So, the other day I started working on this little basketweave stitch cushion cover. (After my inability to find inspiration for the blanket)

Today I only managed 10 minutes on it as we’ve had some men in removing the old fires. But as I was crocheting I noticed how much prettier I thought the back looked compared to the front.

Most things I make I tend to chain & turn to start the next row, so there is no true front and back. With the pillow I’m making it in the round (I’m not sure if that’s the right term) but I’m not turning my work so it’s always the same side as the front. Anyway just before I go to sleep I threw this picture together on my phone.

What do you think looks nicer?


♡ Mrs. B x

Mr. B’s birthday!

It’s been a busy few days as Mr. B turned 30 on the 19th
He can’t believe it I think and suddenly feels old. I didn’t have that feeling when I turned 30 last year. In my mind I woke up a day older than when I went to bed which is the same as every morning. Only it happened to be a day that marked a passing of another year.
I remember when my mum turned 40 and it was a big thing to her she didn’t want everyone knowing it was the big 4-0!

Crochet wise not much has happened because the days have been filled with celebrations and family and friends and the evenings have been spent mostly trying to keep on top of housework!
I’ve done a little bit on the spiral granny bobble, which is getting so big that it really is only a little bit that I managed! The neonatal blanket is being frogged so I’ve stepped back from it for now so that I can tackle it without being frustrated at myself for running out of the blue! And the pastel granny stripe, oh how I love the pastel granny stripe!! ♡

Incase you’re not familiar with the granny stripe, the pattern is by attic24 and can be found > here <
All I am doing differently is the colour arrangement, which I am mostly doing it this way because I’m being lazy clever and not fastening off at the end of the purple rows to save on sewing in at the ends (I’ll hide my work with the border)

I put this picture of it on Facebook the other day and it had 428 views (allegedly, I’m not sure how accurate fb’s stats are!) Anyway, here it is for you too :)


It’s going to be another busy few days ahead too as Saturday will be Little H’s 3rd birthday (I’ll probably do a post for/about that) and as it was Mr. B’s 30th I’ve arranged a weekend at Butlins Skegness for us and some friends. It was a suprise but he knows about it now!

I’m planning some hooky action for the journey which will probably be at least 5 hours with stops, last night I searched through 8 crochet magazines (simply crochet and inside crochet) 4 books and 4 pattern booklets for inspiration for a blanket and came up blank. (As well as searching pinterest, craftsy & ravelry!) The lady who’s asked me to make it sent me a picture of one she’d found on google that she loves but it’s not a great picture so I can’t really see it. In the end I zoomed in as much as I could and decided to do a doodle on my phone…


The multiples just don’t sound right so I’m thinking do multiples of 6+2 and do the first row in double crochet? What do you think? (More to the point is the doodle even legible? !)

Apologies in advance if I’m now around much over the next week. Do keep an eye on fb for random photos as it’s quick and easy for me to upload.

♡ Mrs. B x